

The mysterious Easter Island

2 travelers

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Let's go discover Easter Island from the inside out ! Named Rapa Nui by the natives, Easter island is a small piece of land in the middle of the Pacific ocean, well known for its impressive statues : the Moais. Scientists are still trying to figure out how those were erected but what's certain is that they served a ritual purpose for the natives.

I invite you to come scour the island on foot, on horseback and however you want !



Day 1 : Landing in Santiago of Chile

Transfer from the airport

Private transfer

Night in a spa-hotel in the middle of Santiago

Before leaving for easter island, enjoy the boisterous city of Santiago

Day 2 : Landing in Easter island

Flight to the Easter island

Prices vary according to the station

Entrance to Rapa Nui national park

The entire island is considered a national park so you'll have to pay a fee at the airport that will give you access to all of the archeological sites on the island

Guided tour of Rano Kau crater and the ceremonial village of Orongo

This crater was, for hundreds of years, the only source of drinking water for the inhabitants. Today it is a biodiversity haven.

Night in an ecolodge

Night in a ecolodge which water is heated thanks to solar panels ! The bonus ? You'll get a room facing the sea

Day 3 : Explore the underground and go stargazing

Explore the volcanic tunnels beneath the island

Go gallivanting underground !


The Pacific sky is one of the best for stargazing because of its absence of pollution.

Night in an ecolodge

Night in a ecolodge which water is heated thanks to solar panels ! The bonus ? You'll get a room facing the sea

Day 4 : Ride along the northern coast on horseback

Horseback ride along the northern coast

The northern coast the most inaccessible in the island, you can only reach it by foot or on horseback

Night in an ecolodge

Night in a ecolodge which water is heated thanks to solar panels ! The bonus ? You'll get a room facing the sea

Day 5 : Go snorkelling or scuba diving

Snorkelling or scuba diving around motu nui islet

Snorkel in the shallow waters around Motu Nui islet or go scuba diving and admire the submerged moai.

Visit the archeological museum of Hanga Roa

Enjoy the collection of traditional objects displayed in the museum

Night in an ecolodge

Night in a ecolodge which water is heated thanks to solar panels ! The bonus ? You'll get a room facing the sea

Day 6 : Sites et Musées d'Hanga Roa

Visite des sites de Puna Pau et Rano Raraku, les deux carrières qui ont servi à la taille des Moai

Ces deux lieux emblématiques de l'île vous en mettront plein la vue. Vous pourrez notamment admirer le moai le plus grand de l'île, inachevé et gisant dans la carrière de Rano Raraku, accompagné de tous les moai brisés ou laissés sur place.

Diner accompagné de danses traditionnelles

Diner de plats traditionnels accampagné de danses Rapa Nui.

Night in an ecolodge

Night in a ecolodge which water is heated thanks to solar panels ! The bonus ? You'll get a room facing the sea

Day 7 : Randonnée au volcan côtier Poike

Randonnée jusqu'au volcan côtier Poike

Accessible seulement à pied ou à cheval, le volcan Poike est un endroit sauvage qui vous ravira grâce aux pétroglyphes qui y sont dispersés et à ses falaises impressionnantes.

Night in an ecolodge

Night in a ecolodge which water is heated thanks to solar panels ! The bonus ? You'll get a room facing the sea

Day 8 : Matinée libre et retour à Santiago puis retour en France

Marchez ou prenez un taxi jusqu'à l'aéroport Mataveri

L'aéroport étant situé tout près de votre logement vous pouvez choisir de flâner dans la ville et faire du shopping le matin ou bien faire une grasse matinée puis vous diriger vers l'aéroport. Les vols sont généralement en début d'après midi ou de matinée selon les disponibilités.

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Member since 06 2018

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